Upcoming Events

St Peter’s, is a welcoming, hospitable community committed to the worship of God in beauty and holiness in the classical Anglican tradition.
Whether you are just ‘passing through’ or considering making St Peter’s your spiritual home, all are welcome.
So what makes St Peter's special?
We value our tradition. Our services of worship are, for the most part, Eucharistic. That is, we focus our worship on the presence of Christ encountered in the bread and wine of the Service of Holy Communion.
We value you. We do so enjoy meeting new people, and if we can possibly find a reason to socialize with you (over a cup of tea, at a BBQ or even at our occasional wine and cheese evenings,) we will! If you break bread with us you are one of the family.
We value the grace of God at work in our lives. We live in a beautiful place—the glorious Gold Coast—and God has blessed us with much. How can we not share this?!
Finally (because these sorts of lists need to end somewhere,) we value the community in which we find ourselves: by offering gifts of worship, prayer and music that all are welcome to be part of.
Info For This Week
Readings for this week
Readings – Epiphany VII – 23 February
Genesis 45:3-11, 15 …
Readings for last week
Readings – Holy Innocents – 16 February
Jeremiah 31:15-20 …
See the 2022 Synod Reports
Find Out More About St Peter's
See what makes st peter's so special
Donations box
Your generosity keeps our wonderful church running, so we can bring the word of God to as many as possible.
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If you have any issues feel free to call us.
Every dollar helps, Thank you.
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St Peter’s your spiritual home, allow me to tell you something about our Church.
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