Why do we call him Father when he dresses like Mother?

I commend you. That’s an improvement. It’s more imaginative than the question you asked me when you were much younger … “Why do you need to put on a Jesus suit just to take a service?” I think it was your impudent father who put you up to that one too. But yes, I can…

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Things Eternal

The Book of Common Prayer includes some quaint phrases, and a memorable one appears in the Collect for the Fourth Sunday after Trinity. In that prayer we invoke God as our guide, that we may “so pass through things temporal, that we finally lose not the things eternal”. That prayer could apply to everything from…

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Thought Piece 1 – Singularity

When I engage in contemplation, I do not always appear to be at prayer. Sometimes I can be found seated in my reclining chair with ‘The Bub’ (Bubba the pug) on my lap, a book on a scientific subject in my hands, and a note pad and pen beside me. But be assured I am…

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The Moral of the Story

In Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Mikado, Ko-Ko presents his list of annoying people. Among them is “the idiot who praises, with enthusiastic tone, all centuries but this, and every country but his own.” Please be assured I am not that kind of idiot! I do not idolize the past or the people who lived in…

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The Days of our Age

A recent birthday has given me cause to reflect upon the mystery of life, and in doing so I have remembered birthdays that were ‘significant’ for me. My list does not include the childhood ones that were exciting because they included presents and cake. As for the ‘rite of passage’ ones, my 16th was special…

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