Ponder this if you will
In his recent work on our Parish Strategy document, Russell Manfield spelt out 5 ‘themes’ for future direction for St Peter’s. By ‘themes’ Russell is attempting to provide five focal points for guiding our Parish into the future. I’m listing these points below for your consideration and comment please:
Towards Financial Security
Establish a committee to develop a suitable fund for St Peter’s future development.
Casting our (web) net widely
Develop St Peter’s outreach through greater and more sophisticated use of the Internet. This may be the best means of reaching folk who would not normally darken the doors of the church. Through a well-developed internet/social media site the Parish can enhance its ‘saltiness’ (its ‘Gospel effect’ if you like) with a group of folk whom we would not normally reach. There is so much that can be done online – we have not yet even begun to scratch the surface…
Embracing the ‘civic’ community.
To quote Russell: “As a central city church, we have a natural place in civic proceedings.” So let’s use this natural advantage to enhance our Gospel effect in the centre of town. More musical concerts at St Peters, more lunch time Eucharists, more ‘social input’ into the issues of our town and city.
Build a Quiet Reflective Precinct .
Let’s become a place that attracts people. A place that – because it has a beautiful green space, because it has a beautiful church, because it has a natural spiritual magnetism – draws people in. This is about getting people to come to our space (not necessarily come to church…) I do look forward to the day when I can say: “I’m from St Peter’s” and I am not met with a blank stare and the inevitable: “and where’s that then..?”!
Expanding our liturgical experience.
You may have noticed that the above 4 points are ‘outward looking.’ This point looks inward, deliberately so. The previous points seek to attract people to St Peter’s and this final point seeks to continue that attraction through the very best worship that we can offer in our gentle Anglo-Catholic tradition. Our liturgy is so vital to our sense of who we are in the world and we must always seek to enhance and improve on every aspect of it.
Hmmm, now that I look at it it’s probably best that you go on to our webpage and read the Parish Strategy document for yourselves. My summary seems a little lame in parts…
When all is said and done your comments on this document will help me, the Wardens and the Parish Council lead this wonderful church into the future.