Christus Victor

1. “Rejoice and sing now, all the round earth, bright with a glorious splendour, for darkness has been vanquished by our eternal king!” Those are words from the Exultet, which we heard last night as we lit the Easter fire.  It is always wonderful to see, and hear, and smell that fire crackling in darkness. The…

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Oscar Romero’s Day

The Anglican Church keeps the feast of Oscar Romero, the Archbishop of San Salvador and Martyr, on 24 March each year.  The Archbishop was assassinated at the altar on that day in 1980. He was a champion of the poor, devoted to non-violent liberation and renewal of the heart. His social vision remains electric and transformative, even…

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Oscar Romero's Day

The Anglican Church keeps the feast of Oscar Romero, the Archbishop of San Salvador and Martyr, on 24 March each year.  The Archbishop was assassinated at the altar on that day in 1980. He was a champion of the poor, devoted to non-violent liberation and renewal of the heart. His social vision remains electric and transformative, even…

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